“It is estimated that 25% of the adult population suffers from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Common signs of sleep apnea include:
- Heavy snoring
- Morning headaches
- Abrupt nighttime awakening associated with gasping and choking
- Unexplained daytime sleepiness and difficulty concentrating
If you suffer from any of the above symptoms, chances are you suffer from obstructive sleep apnea. You must go through a sleep test and have the results evaluated by your physician to confirm if you suffer from OSA. Severe sleep apnea sufferers need to wear a CPAP. Mild-to-moderate OSA sufferers may qualify for wearing a dentist-fabricated custom sleep apnea mouthpiece instead of a CPAP. Wearing a custom OSA mouthpiece opens up your airway to allow for better breathing while you are asleep. Your dentist will fabricate your sleep apnea mouthpiece using impressions of your teeth. Custom OSA mouthpieces are more comfortable than a CPAP, less intrusive, and much quieter. Purchase this voucher for one custom sleep apnea mouthpiece and put an end to your sleep problems once and for all! Be sure to wear your sleep apnea mouthpiece every night to protect your airways.”
Fine Print: Discount offer valid only with online purchase. Appointment required. Must become a new patient prior to receiving services. Candidates with severe sleep apnea do not qualify and they must wear a CPAP instead. Must be a candidate for wearing a custom OSA mouthpiece. Non-candidates and other refund requests will be honored prior to receiving services. Refund requests after receiving services must be approved by your treating dentist.
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