Groupon integration
What is Groupon?
Groupon is a powerful group discount e-commerce marketplace that connects consumers and small businesses. Offering a strategic Groupon deal can be a very beneficial marketing tool for dentists. A successful Groupon campaign can attract hundreds of new patients to your practice each and every year. Groupon has an extensive reach and patients come across your Groupon deal on their cellphones, email, social media, etc. They purchase the deal that they need, make an appointment with you, and redeem their Groupon at your office. Patients love using Groupon to start their dental work with a new dentist due to price transparency and simplicity. Ultimately, Groupon makes it easier for patients and dentists to connect to one another. Additionally, you can use Groupon to generate more positive reviews, get your prices in front of countless new patients, and grow your online presence.
Integrating Groupon with Even28
Your Even28 profile is your dentist profile/Search Engine portfolio. Groupon is your convenient online storefront, ideal for listing introductory services to attract new patients. It makes perfect sense to have these two tools integrated with one another. Luckily, integrating Groupon with Even28 is as simple as it gets. Once you’ve created a Groupon deal, we automatically integrate your Groupon deal with your Even28 Online Store (if we haven’t done so, shoot us an email and we’ll promptly add your deal). Groupon integration is a free service for all dentists and it’s available to both Basic and Premium profile members. All of your Groupon deals will show up directly on your Even28 Online Store, which will be linked to your Practice Profile Page. Patients can now conveniently browse through and shop your Groupon deals right from your Even28 Online Store.
Benefits of Groupon + Even28 Online Store
Adding one or more Groupon deal to your Even28 Online Store significantly improves the chances of patients making a purchase from your online store. Adding an attractive Groupon deal to your Even28 Online Store will dramatically increase your store sales and online visibility. Keep in mind that setting up an effective Groupon deal does require a bit of strategy. Ideally, you want to list a few inexpensive introductory services to draw attention to your online store. This includes exam & cleaning, teeth whitening, and other low-cost treatments. Next, list your more costly treatments, such as crowns, braces and dental implants, on your Even28 Online Store. Use your Groupon deals to draw attention to your online store and use your Even28 Online Store to list high-value treatments without having to pay hefty commissions.
How much does Groupon integration cost?
Groupon does not charge dentists anything for listing their services on their platform. Instead, they charge a 50% commission for all items sold through Groupon. While the idea of having to pay 50% may seem absurd to many, it’s actually a very fair deal when considering what you’re receiving in exchange. For example, imagine that you list your new patient exam and cleaning for $99 and pay Groupon about $50 in commission. In reality, your cost of acquiring a new patient through Groupon is just $50, which is far less than what it would cost to attract a new patient through other forms of online advertising. A successful Groupon campaign gets your ads in front of hundreds-of-thousands of new patients and draws hundreds of new patients to your practice every year. Visit Groupon’s merchant center at to learn more about Groupon and how to create your own Groupon deal.
Integrating Groupon and Even28 is a very simple process. Plus, there is no additional fee for adding your Groupon deals to your Even28 Online Store. Both Basic and Premium profile members can add their Groupon deals to their Even28 Online Store at no extra cost. If you’re currently running one or more Groupon deal, then be sure to have your Groupon deals added to your Even28 Online Store. We occasionally promote these deals on local “top 10 online dental deals” and you definitely don’t want to be left out! Plus, adding one or more Groupon deal to your Even28 Online Store increases your online store sales by as much as 500%! Lastly, don’t forget to work with your rep to add a few attractive deals to your Even28 Online Store. The nicer your online store looks, including listing hot deals, discount dental plans, premium items, etc., the better your chances of making a sale through Groupon as well as your Even28 Online Store.
Getting started: Groupon + Even28 Online Store
Once you create a Groupon deal, we automatically set up an Even28 Online Store for your practice, link your store to your profile, and add your Groupon deal to your online store. If we haven’t created an Even28n Online Store for you as of yet, email us at and we’ll be sure to take care of it ASAP. You can now start adding additional services to your Even28 Online Store besides those listed on Groupon. We recommend that you list one or two low-cost introductory treatments on Groupon. Reserve more costly treatments for your Even28 Online Store. Use the power of Groupon to draw attention to your online store without having to worry about paying a 50% commission on your dental implant and braces deals. In contrast to Groupon, Even28 only charges a 10 to 20% commission for all items sold through your Even28 Online Store (excluding those sold through Groupon). Use your Groupon deals and Even28 Online Store strategically together to maximize your online visibility, increase store sales, and grow your practice in ways you never imagined possible!
If you choose to go premium (Even28 Premium, Premium-Plus, Promoted Account) then your Even28 Online Store becomes 100% commission-free. This means that it won’t make a difference whether you sell your next crown, veneer, or dental implant online or in your actual dental office. Premium members can also list an unlimited number of items on their online store, get access to premium items (smile makeover and combo items), and offer their own discount dental plans for sale online. Should you cancel your Groupon, we remove links to your Groupon deal but you still get to keep everything else on your Even28 Online Store. To learn more about Groupon or to sign up as a Groupon Merchant, please visit their website at If you want us to contact you regarding setting up or integrating Groupon deals, please email us at and we’ll be glad to offer you some guidance and help you get started.