“Replacing your missing teeth is critical to your oral health and overall well-being. Missing teeth, even if it’s just one tooth, leads to many serious problems, such as:
- Losing a tooth causes bone loss within the region which causes your jawbone to shrink
- The teeth adjacent to your missing tooth gradually drift into this gap
- Shifting of teeth adversely affects your bite and may lead to TMJ problems, migraines and head & neck region pain
- Losing a tooth places more forces onto your remaining teeth which increases the likelihood of damaging the rest of your teeth. It’s not uncommon for someone to lose 2, 3, or even more teeth all as a result of having lost a single tooth in the first place.
If you’re looking for a holistic (biological) tooth replacement option, then you might want to consider getting a ceramic dental implant. Traditional dental implants are made from titanium mixed with other metal objects, whereas ceramic implants are made from zirconium dioxide. As a result, ceramic dental implants are white and they are considered to be metal-free. Zirconia implants are recommended for patients who are looking for holistic treatment, those with metal allergies, and patients suffering from autoimmune conditions who are susceptible to having metal objects in their bodies. Purchase this voucher for one complete ceramic dental implant (includes ceramic post, ceramic abutment & ceramic crown) to get started with your holistic dental implant treatment. The sooner you replace those missing teeth, the less damage to your remaining oral structure, and the better the final outcome.”
Fine Print: Discount offer valid only with online purchase. Appointment required. Must become a new patient prior to receiving services. Offer good for a complete ceramic dental implant consult plus CT scan of the region. CT scan available on-site. Non-candidates and other refund requests will be honored in full prior to receiving services. Refund requests after receiving services must be approved by your treating dentist. There are no partial refunds once you’ve started your treatment.
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