Promote Your Profile: Premium Profile

Creating a dentist search engine also creates an incredibly powerful marketing tool. Even28 generates more phone calls and online bookings for dentists than any other dental website. Naturally, it makes sense to promote your Even28 profile to attract more patients. Email us to learn more about our promotion options. Already a premium member and want to learn more about ways to generate more patients? Click here for useful tips on how to optimize your profile to maximize its performance.


More online visibility

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The main benefit of upgrading your Even28 profile is increased online visibility. On average, promoted profiles earn 200 to 1,000 additional views per month. So how do we get more views? By promoting your profile online. Here are just a few ways we promote your profile once you go premium:

Google ads

All premium profiles are linked to a custom Google Ads campaign. Linking your Even28 profile to Google Ads consistently gets your profile in front of hundreds, sometimes even thousands, of potential new patients each and every month.

Promotion across our top-ten dentist lists

We also promote premium profiles on our local top-ten dentist lists. As a premium provider, your Even28 profile may show up as an ad on our top-ten lists in your city as well as neighboring cities. For example, if you’re a dentist working in Beverly Hills, your profile will show up organically, or as an ad, on our “top-10 Beverly Hills dentists” list. Your profile may also show up as an ad on top-10 dentist lists in neighboring cities, like Santa Monica, etc.

    Premium pages: Procedure-specific pages

    Another benefit of upgrading your profile is access to our premium pages, known as procedure-specific pages. Procedure-specific pages are powerful pages that help you sell more high-value treatments. These pages are specifically designed to showcase your porcelain veneers, Invisalign® treatments, dental implant cases, etc. To help you better understand how procedure-specific pages work, here’s an example of what a typical “Porcelain Veneer Page”  would look like:

    Before & after porcelain veneer photos

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    Showcase your before & after porcelain veneer treatment photos on a single page. All photos will be tagged with the word “porcelain veneers“, as well as your first and last name (example: John-Smith-Porcelain-Veneer-before-1, etc.). Tagging your photos allows Google to identify this page as a high-value page related to porcelain veneers. This increases your ranking on Google’s search results and significantly boosts your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for keywords related to “porcelain veneers“. Keep adding more and more quality photos to your profile and before you know it, Google starts to show your “Even28 Porcelain Veneer Page” at the top of its page-one search result.

    Stories to accompany your photos

    Premium members have the option of adding a brief description to go along with their photo series. Add a story to give your photos a more personal touch. This also improves your Search Engine Optimization, increasing the chance of patients choosing you for these types of treatments.

    Porcelain veneer consult form

    Your page will be amended with a consultation request form to encourage more bookings. Create a stunning porcelain veneer page and watch those consults roll in!

    Your final thoughts

    Discuss your experience related to porcelain veneers, training, background, passion for cosmetic dentistry, etc. By sharing something personal and powerful, you improve the chances of potential patients choosing you over neighboring dentists for their porcelain veneer treatment.

    As a premium member, you can create as many procedure-specific pages as you’d like. We can even customize these pages to meet your needs. For example, we can divide up your braces photos to showcase each type of malocclusion onto a separate page: Overbite Braces Page, Underbite Braces Page, Lingual Braces Page, etc. This is particularly helpful for specialists and practitioners who focus their practice on specific dental procedures. Click here to view what a typical procedure-specific page looks like.

    { "slotId": "4616476901", "unitType": "in-feed", "pubId": "pub-5798118205092511", "layout_key": "-e0-2+ay-rr+aj" }

    Hygienist profiles


    Ever notice how dentists get all the attention, but hygienists are mostly left out? Needless to say, a great hygienist can be the cornerstone of a successful dental practice. This is why we have decided to offer our Premium and Premium-Plus members the ability to showcase their hygienists by creating a hygienist profile page. Hygienist profiles are similar to dentist profiles, except the focus is on promoting your hygienist(s). Showcase your hygienist’s skills, services, and treatment photos (photos of dental cleaning and periodontal treatment), as well as their top reviews. Here are some benefits of creating hygienist profiles:

    • Give your hygienist(s) a name and face
    • Cater to patients who prefer a hygienist for their cleanings
    • SEO boost on Google for hygiene-related search terms
    • Justify premium pricing for your hygiene services
    • Make your hygienists feel more like team members by giving them a place to post their treatment photos and accumulating their own reviews

    Discount dental plans


    Selling discount dental plans online is a game-changer. Offer competitive discount dental plans as an alternative to dental insurance to reduce your reliance on insurance companies. Set your own prices and keep the proceeds to yourself. Create your own customizable discount dental plans, and we’ll sell them online in your store. You can create a single discount dental plan or multiple discount plans. Offer senior discount plans, premium plans (with higher discounts at a higher premium), couples plans, family discount plans (option to add children available), etc. Discount dental plans are particularly appealing to cash patients who require extensive dental work. Click here to view a sample discount dental plan page.

    Commission-free Even28 Online Store

    Basic profile members have a commission of 10 to 20% deducted from each sale, in addition to the standard processing fees. In contrast, premium members don’t pay any commissions and are only responsible for a negligible processing fee (similar to your credit card fee). Basically, once you upgrade your membership, there’s no difference between selling a dental service online or selling it in your actual practice. This makes it easier to list and sell your services online, which further helps grow your online store.

    Access to premium items


    Premium items refer to treatments that include multiple different procedures listed together. Here are some examples of a few popular premium items you can list on your online store:

    • Smile makeover: Sell cosmetic packages that include multiple porcelain veneers (6, 8, or 10 porcelain veneers)
    • Invisalign® plus retainers: Sell an ortho package that also includes retainers
    • Root canal plus crown: Attract tons of new patients by offering a package that offers root canal and crown for a discount
    • Overdentures: Sell a package that includes 2 or 4 dental implants plus the overdenture for a special price
    • Cleaning plus whitening
    • Porcelain veneer plus whitening

    Premium items are exclusively reserved for premium members. As a premium member, you can list any reasonable treatment combination on your Even28 Online Store. Your representative will help you come up with a list of premium items to make your online store stand out in your neighborhood.

    No limits on your online store

    We currently limit the number of items Basic Profile members can list on their Even28 Online Store (limited to 10 deals). However, premium members can list as many items as they choose on their online store. If your heart desires, list everything from fillings, crowns, braces, root canals, porcelain veneers, etc. You name it and we’ll list it for you!

    Remove all ads & external links from your profile

    The minute you upgrade your profile, we remove all ads from your profile page. Patients can now focus on you instead of becoming distracted by those annoying advertisements. We also remove all external links from your Even28 profile. Whereas Basic Profiles are linked back to our Search Engine, Premium profiles have these outbound links replaced with links to various profile pages. As a result, patients are more likely to spend time browsing through your profile pages and learning more about you.

    Review optimization

    All Even28 profiles get to display up to 35 five-star reviews. Premium profiles gain access to a few benefits when it comes to displaying reviews:

    • We use a formula to optimize the placement of reviews. By following this simple optimization formula, we rearrange your reviews to place the highest-quality reviews where they would receive the most views. This makes your profile as attractive as possible on mobile, tablet, and desktop computers.
    • Our team proofreads your reviews to remove any spelling and grammatical errors. This makes for a smoother and more enjoyable read.
    • We also look for any irrelevant, negative, or possibly redundant reviews. If they find such a review, they promptly remove it and replace it with a more appealing one.

    Reviews optimization creates a more attractive Even28 profile. This is yet another way we help our premium profile members improve their chances of attracting new patients to their practice. Click here to learn more about how we optimize your reviews once you upgrade your Even28 profile.

    Photo gallery optimization

    Both Basic and Premium profiles can create their very own photo galleries online. Premium profiles get the added benefit of photo gallery optimization. We do this by manually placing the more attractive photos at the top of your profile. We organize similar photos to place them near each other. Optimizing your photo galleries creates a more attractive photo gallery to further improve your chances of converting potential leads into actual patients. Click here to learn more about how we optimize your photo galleries.

    { "slotId": "4616476901", "unitType": "in-feed", "pubId": "pub-5798118205092511", "layout_key": "-e0-2+ay-rr+aj" }

    Perks (dental deals)


    Dentists are known for giving away free toothbrushes and other perks to attract new patients. Even28 lets you take these little perks to the next level by offering them online! Perks, or dental deals, are little gifts that encourage new patients to book online appointments. Premium members can list up to 5 perks on their profile. Click here to learn more about how you can offer perks on your Even28 profile.

    SMS reminders for new patient bookings


    Patients have the option of contacting you from your Even28 profile either by calling you or sending an email. Best practice says that you should respond to a new patient email inquiry in less than 15 minutes. This is why we offer SMS reminders as a way to notify you when there’s a new patient inquiry from your Even28 Profile. Premium members have the option of linking their cell phone numbers to receive text reminders as soon as new patients book an appointment. Offering SMS text reminders is just another way we help our premium providers grow their dental practice.

    Add stories to your photos

    Premium members have the option of adding a story to accompany their photo series. Share the story of how Johnny used to be depressed because of his crooked teeth and how you changed his life by straightening his smile. Or how Mrs. Jones wouldn’t smile in public until you placed those beautiful porcelain veneers on her teeth and now she can’t stop smiling. Create a strong emotional bond with potential patients by writing a story to go along with your photos. Adding stories to your photos goes a long way in terms of connecting to patients.  Plus, it significantly improves your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for more Google visibility. Pictures plus stories are a win-win!

    Additional benefits for Premium/Premium-Plus members

    Our goal at Even28 is to give dentists a stronger online presence. As such, there are certain features that every dentist has equal access to. This includes creating a photo gallery, access to online booking, the option to set up an online store, etc. Then, there are those features that are exclusively reserved for our premium members. These include procedure-specific pages, discount dental plans, premium online store items, hygienist profiles, etc. Finally, there are those features that are available equally to all dentists, however, where having a premium profile can give you a slight competitive edge. Here are a few examples of such scenarios:

    { "slotId": "4616476901", "unitType": "in-feed", "pubId": "pub-5798118205092511", "layout_key": "-e0-2+ay-rr+aj" }

    Google visibility

    Premium profiles have an advantage when it comes to ranking on Google’s search results. Obviously, we have no control over how Google ranks your profile. This is something that Google does automatically once you’ve added enough relevant content. The reason for this is that premium profiles can create procedure-specific pages. Procedure-specific pages give you a huge boost for keywords associated with these specific treatments. Google is likely to pick up your procedure-specific pages and rank them near the top of its search results.

    Ranking on our top 10 lists

    Premium profiles gain a slight edge when it comes to ranking on our top-ten lists. For example, let’s say we are creating a Top 10 Porcelain Veneer Provider List in Beverly Hills. This list is going to rank dentists in Beverly Hills who have an attractive Even28 Profile containing high-quality before & after porcelain veneer photos. If you’re a premium member and you’ve already created a beautiful Porcelain Veneer Page, then you have a better chance of landing a spot on this top-ten list. Note that upgrading your profile does NOT guarantee a spot on any of our top-ten lists. It’s up to you to provide sufficient content, mainly attractive before & after treatment photos, to support your ranking on these lists. However, since premium profiles have more photos and a more attractive photo gallery, they are more likely to rank higher on our top-ten lists.

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